How Tech-Free Routines Can Reduce Mom Stress

Young moms often entertain their babies with handheld electronics, such as smartphones or tablets, while eating meals or as a play activity. After all, moms have a lot to do and want to do it in peace—I get it. But if you want less stress now and in the future, say no to handheld screens as much as possible. Here’s why.

The Power of Daily Routines

All babies eat, sleep, play, and poop. Daily routines begin around these activities and will change as your child ages. For example, as your tot starts sitting and crawling, you sit him in the high chair to feed himself. Will you offer screen time while he eats? If you do, don’t be surprised if your baby puts up a fight when it’s time to put the videos away.

Suppose you’d never started the morning routine with the videos. In that case, you do not have to remove them later to complete other tasks. See how choosing to go screen-free at the beginning of the morning routine lessened your stress?

Handheld Screens Block Development

Early intervention experts know handheld screens often block proper development. It is pretty standard for kids to demand screens over other toys or activities. This preference for screen-based entertainment blocks reading books, making up play with friends, or drawing with crayons. Delays in communication, social interaction, and problem-solving are known pitfalls of screen-based experiences. Those developmental delays will show up in school.

Stress Now or Stress Later

Using handheld electronics while your baby is young means your child will be quiet and happy, which moms want. But later on, when your tot struggles with school activities and appropriate social behavior, you’ll wish you had gone screen-free or at least severely limited access to those devices earlier.

Studies clearly show today’s children suffer more anxiety, ADHD, and lack of impulse control than previous generations. While adults grew up with television (a screen), handheld electronic devices are interactive. That interactivity component sucks kids into a virtual world that becomes more interesting than the real one. Books become boring because silly videos are more fun.

If you want less stress regarding your child’s readiness for school and ability to make friends, say no to handheld screens as much as possible during the formative years. If you allow screens to be part of your child’s day, prepare for your kid to demand them. Breaking your child's addiction later will be highly stressful Share on X.

Confidence in Decisions = Less Stress

The stresses of motherhood can’t be avoided entirely. However, small changes, such as not introducing handheld screens into your child’s day, will give you confidence that you’re making the best choice when it comes to setting your child up for future success.

What is the causing you the most mom stress right now?


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(Photo: Canva)

Disclaimer: All information presented is general education and is not intended as specific prescriptions for your child. If you have concerns about any aspect of your baby’s development, talk with your doctor. If your child receives any intervention or therapy, this information is not intended to be used without their knowledge.

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