Finding a person you can trust is essential.

Dr. Seuss said, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose!”

As a mother, the path you choose always impacts your child.
Choose wisely.

Short Bio

Ginny is a trusted voice who shares the lessons she’s learned from her own journey. Having raised two adopted sons, both from overseas, and assisted thousands of special needs children and families, she knows what it’s like to go forward on faith. Her training in physical therapy has revealed that facts and science are helpful, but rarely provide the answers we need for the life’s toughest situations. God has those answers.

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Word Weavers International
  • Founding President, Pensacola chapter of Word Weavers International
  • Speak Up Certified Speaker
  • Advanced Writers and Speakers Association

Awards & Recognitions

  • 2018 Tar Heel AwardMud Holes and Magnolias
  • 2019 Living Waters AwardAn Unexpected Call


  • Oct. 2018
  • May. 2015
  • Jun. 2012


  • Checking for neck tightness in your baby

  • Practicing rolling and playing in side lying