Weekly Walk with Ginny

weeklywalk24Here at The Boot, we’re always encouraging you to Build On Old Truths. So, let’s get started with another edition of for the Weekly Walk with Ginny.

Talking a walk is healthy, and it’s proven. God made us to move and walking is as natural as breathing. No one had to teach you unless you’ve had something happen to make it difficult.

Getting outside is also healthy and the open spaces help free your mind and allow a wonderful opportunity to pray and talk to God.

This week I’m encouraging you to ask God to help you forgive. You probably have someone who’s hurt you, let you down, or left you bruised and angry.

As Christians, we are to forgive and…it is hard. I can’t do it without God’s help. Maybe that’s true for you, too.

So, today get outside and talk a walk for at least 20 minutes. And, pray for God to give you the strength to forgive that person. Give all the anger and hurt to God and let him lift it away.



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