Child Cranky? Here’s the Cure

You’ve checked everything you know to check! Are they hungry? Are they sleepy? Are they sick? No! Your child is fed, well-rested, not running a fever, and has plenty of toys to play with. So, what in the world is the problem?

Sooner or later this situation happens to all moms. While we feel good about our #momskills, sometimes we can’t find a reason for the crankiness. And, to make things worse, we become cranky, as well.

Time for a cure!

In the old days, really old, like the 1960s, a mom would tell her cranky child to “go outside and play.” Or “sit in the rocking chair and rock till you feel better.” It’s easy for young moms to shrug off such sage advice as, well, old fashioned. You’re thinking maybe they need a new toy or a new YouTube “educational” video to make them happy. While that may work for a short while, in the long run, you are harming their development and their abilities to regulate their own moods. Do you really want them to learn that the cure for feeling cranky is to sit and watch electronic entertainment or go buy yourself something so you feel better?

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Did your grandmother throw up her hands and yell to the children, “Go outside!” because a scientific study told her that was the cure? Doubtful. But, there is proof (boatloads, actually) approving of her methods.

While the research is technical and not helpful for a frazzled mom who has a millisecond to find an answer before she blows a gasket, here’s the general takeaway for busy moms like you. Mood does improve during and after engaging in activities such as rocking, swinging, walking, or even jumping. Each of these sets in motion an extremely complex interaction of sensory and motor reactions in the body—all tied to relaxation. Your child is cranky because they are uptight and need to get the wiggles out.

When your baby is young and becomes fussy, you pick her up and rock her—swaying and walking around the room. No one taught you this—it’s instinctual. Your movements and your touch combine to calm your upset child. You automatically know to adjust the rhythm of your movements to accommodate your child’s needs.

As your baby gets older, they still need calming motions to relax and feel better. And, they can and should learn to do that for themselves. Healthy options are:

  • rocking in a rocking chair
  • swinging on a swing (preferably outside)
  • spinning on a merry go round or similar
  • jumping rope or jumping on a trampoline
  • taking a hike
  • running around
  • riding a tricycle, bike, or scooter (preferably not motorized)
  • sliding down a slide or rolling down a hillside

Each of these provides opportunities for your cranky child to get in a better mood AND build a stronger body at the same time. They also learn that the best way to feel better is to go outside and move around in the fresh air. Often, a change of scenery is all that is needed.

And mom, give yourself a pat on the back. You are teaching them healthy ways to feel better. While you’re at it, the best way for you to unwind and relax is to take a walk yourself or rock while you keep an eye on them. It only takes a few minutes to change the atmosphere and have a happier home.

We’re made to move and we feel better when we do. So, unplug from the screens and go outside and play until the crankiness melts away!

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What outdoor activities help your cranky child feel better?

(Photo by Adobe Stock)

Additional reading:

Screen-Free Challenge: Yes, Please

Screentime is Making Kids Moody, Crazy and Lazy

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