Still Mad?


I have a short fuse. And, I’ve always been that way.
What about you?

Are you quick to pop off and say something you shouldn’t?

Are you prone to cursing?

Or, are do you get your feelings hurt very easily?

I answered ‘yes’ to each of the above questions. What were your answers?

Even if you answered ‘no’ to some or most of the above questions, you still get angry. It may take you longer to get hot under the collar, but you eventually get to your tipping point. Everyone does.

This week please remember to take your walks. When I am angry, I need a minimum of thirty minutes, and usually, upwards of an hour to ‘walk it off.’

Here on The Boot, we promote building your life on old truths. Well, here’s one you need to learn– the old adage of ‘walking it off.’ It works. But, do not take your cell phone when you go.

God will provide everything you need and what you need is the sound of the waves, the smell of the salt air, the cawing of the seagulls, or the sand between your toes. Nature is what you need.

I also encourage you to memorize this week’s Scripture and pray over it as you take your steps. God will give you insights as you do.

Finally, take note we are instructed to take charge of our anger and let it go.

No one can do that for you–not even God. He can give you the strength and the grace, but you have to make the decision to move on.

Abundance and peace are on the other side of anger. I pray you find it this week.

Love y’all,



    The Conversation

  1. I loved this thought-provoking post, Ginny. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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