Try Online Shopping—Here’s Why

Every mom has dealt with crying and screaming children in public. So, it’s easy to understand why we purchase that toy we don’t really want to buy or pull up videos on the smartphone. Anything to get this over with.

In my recent newsletter, I gave some insider tips on dealing with overwhelmed or overstimulated children. Not a subscriber yet? Click here to sign up.

In the newsletter, I wrote about identifying things that trigger a meltdown or temper tantrum. One trigger you may not have thought about is prolonged restraint. Restraint? I’m not accusing anyone of tying their children down; but, let’s take a moment to look at this from your child’s perspective.

He probably had to stop playing with something he enjoyed to get in the car to run an errand—an errand he cares nothing about. In the car, he is securely restrained in the car seat. These seats, and they are necessary, I agree, do not allow a child to stand, roll, or re-position themselves at all.

Adults have more flexibility in their seat belts to get pressure off the backside or stretch the arms or legs when tension builds. But, not the children. So, it is possible your child is tense and anxious and needs to get the wiggles out.

Then he is lifted, against his will, onto a metal seat and forced to ride backwards. How many of you like to ride backwards? Plus, he is not to touch anything or move at all. Yeah, just writing this makes me want to get up and walk around.

Is he triggered? I guess so. Mom, in an effort to not be triggered herself and prevent baby sister from joining in the crying, pops out the smart phone and does her best to salvage the errand. I’ve been there.

Prolonged restraint is more common that we realize. Take a moment to study how often your child is restrained for safety. Now ask yourself how you can rearrange your schedule to allow your children some moving around time. Could you bundle your errands better? Or, do some shopping before you pick up the children from day care?

If you can’t, at least give Amazon home delivery a try or shop via the WalMart pick up line. Stressed-out moms are less able to enforce the “no screen time” recommendations for children and I want you to be calm and in charge, mom.

Who has tried home delivery? Any recommendations?

(Photo by Pinterest)

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